Steven Rogers

intersection of work and passion

Twttr & Social (justice)

although my twitter utilization frequency varies a lot depending on other things i have going on in life, i really do love the platform. i think it’s a unique arena for so many different things.

  • twitter for brands can be an amazing growth hacking platform.
  • twitter for friends (i admittedly fall into this embarrassingly too often, looking at you @arrdem)is a great way to quickly go back and forth in a playful shit-post banter.
  • twitter for individual professionals can be a place to network and form/maintain communication. there are so many invaluable uses.
  • twitter can be an awesome source for cute animal photos.
  • but one that is (i think) stands above others is twitter can also be a platform for social issues.

in the last 48 hours1 there have been at least another two incidents involving police officers and the killing of black men. incidents that we have recordings of from bystanders, incidents that i do not hesitate a single moment to call murder.

this isn’t okay. nothing about this isn’t heart-breaking.

going back to twitter; i think twitter has been a great platform to help give voices to people seeking social justice. i think it helps brings our voices together. we are living in an era where technology brings us together, where we can use a hashtag (#AltonSterling #PhilandoCastile) that says we stand together, we weep together, and we will goddamn stand together until we get the change every human deserves.

and the best best best part of twitter is as we connect as a global community, we can live solidarity out every day in our lives in how we act, what we choose to not stay silent about, and how we treat the rest of humanity.

i’m very aware i will personally never experience or know the evils known and experienced by people of color, but myself and others are standing with you in mourning and solidarity,


P.S. yes, we all know “all lives matter” but if that’s your reaction to hearing #BlackLivesMatter you might be an asshole and you definitely need to seriously reevaluate your values.

1at time of writing